
Augusta Technical College Announces Dr. 凯利·麦克尔罗伊·胡珀担任公共与专业服务学院首任院长

Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀的任命将于2022年2月1日生效.


For Immediate Release

The Augusta Technical College Logo that is black in color.  标志是一个方形,包含垂直堆叠的字样买世界杯app推荐成立1961年所有的大写字母.  “AUGUSTA”和“TECHNICAL”这两个词被一排包含三个方块的文字隔开.  Each square contains a silhouette image.  第一个方格里有一个脖子上戴着白色听诊器的女性.  第二个正方形中有一个人跪在右边,戴着焊接头盔,拿着焊枪.  第三个方格是一个男人,穿着黑色西装和白色方巾立正站着, white collar dress shirt, and a black neck tie.  “TECHNICAL”和“COLLEGE”这两个词被一条实心的黑色水平线隔开.

Media Contact | Original Press Release
Name: Kimberly Holden
Title: Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: 706.771.4819

Augusta Technical College Announces Dr. 凯利·麦克尔罗伊·胡珀担任公共与专业服务学院首任院长

Augusta, GA, February 1, 2022

Dr. McElroy Hooper, a Caucasian female with short blonde hair, smile wearing a grey suit jacket and glasses.买世界杯app推荐激动地宣布任命博士. 凯利·麦克尔罗伊·胡珀成为公共与专业服务学院的新任院长. This position will report to the Office of the Provost.

Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀在佐治亚大学获得博士学位, Institute of Higher Education in Athens, GA. 她在明尼苏达大学汉弗莱公共事务学院获得公共事务硕士学位. She also has a Master of Liberal Studies in interdisciplinary technology from Eastern Michigan University; Bachelor of Science in criminal justice and sociology from Western Michigan University.

Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀最近担任职业和技术教育(CTE)院长,为中南学院(SCC)的优秀学生提供远见和领导, 广泛的CTE项目,以满足法里博和曼卡托社区的劳动力需求. She managed an $3.900万美元的预算拨款,同时服务于明尼苏达州西南地区. In her work, she serves students, companies, 和其他利益相关者,以满足或弥合SCC成员的劳动力需求. Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀(McElroy Hooper)曾担任亨内平技术学院(HTC)劳动力与公共安全学院院长。. 她负责监督学院的学分和非学分课程.

“我相信学习是一种终生的经历,可以改变生活. 学习促进成长,激发好奇心,增强自信. 教育提供了一个获得必要资格和建立人脉的机会,让你迈出了敲门声, 坐到你的位置上,用你的声音来激发你所在社区的变革和创新, professional field and society" stated Dr. McElroy Hooper. “教育对我来说就是这一切,现在我很高兴能扩大网络,为买世界杯app推荐的学生增加机会,让他们坐在桌子上,用他们的声音来改变.”

Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀也是拉克罗斯西部技术学院公共安全副院长, Wisconsin, where she had oversight of the law enforcement, fire, and EMS credit and non-credit based programs. 她与大学高层领导和社区利益相关者密切合作,以满足或弥合选民的需求.

Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀(McElroy Hooper)的职业生涯始于底特律警察局的一名警官,她还曾在莱瑟普村警察局任职. 在进入高等教育领域之前,她继续以这种身份服务了十年. 她积极参与社区治安,自行车巡逻队,并作为一名枪械教练. 在她任职期间,她被授予Lathrup村警察局年度警官.

"Augusta Tech welcomes Dr. 麦克尔罗伊·胡珀向美洲狮之国致敬,”学院院长麦克尔罗伊·胡珀博士说. Jermaine Whirl . "She brings a wealth of experience to the position, and as the founding dean of this new academic school, 我们相信她会与教职员工合作,在公共和专业服务领域为我们的学生提供世界一流的教育.."


About Augusta Technical College

Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, 是提供学术和技术教育的公立高等教育机构吗, customized business and industry training, continuing education, student support, economic development, and adult education services to its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, 通过传统和远程交付方式提供技术证书. For more information, visit

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