

行政部门, 教师, 学生, and 行业顾问 of 买世界杯app推荐 understand the importance of cybersecurity education.  奥古斯塔是美国网球俱乐部的主场.S. 陆军信号学校和美国海军陆战队.S. 网络卓越中心和美国.S. 陆军网络司令部.   The Central Savannah River Area (CRSA) is not only home to national critical defense infrastructure, 比如萨凡纳河遗址, but also to NSACSS (National Security Agency Central Security Service) Georgia.  Security has become an increasingly dominant concern in most areas of business and life since the events of 9/11.  

Our community consists of those who are first responders, 土木工程师, 军人, 能源部工作人员, 工兵部队, U.S. Army Cyber School, national security cyber defenders and cyber warriors, among many others.  买世界杯app推荐 has continuously evolved its curriculum, 准备好教职员工, and updated program expectations to meet current and future cybersecurity workforce education, 培训, 以及认证要求. 

We have a long standing tradition and successful history of producing quality IT graduates.  The Computer Programming Specialist program has been producing well-trained and competent programmers for over 30 years.  教师, 行业顾问, and Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) state-wide curriculum developers have worked diligently to continually ensure programming methods, 技术, and languages meet current best industry practices.  而在同一时期, the Computer Support Specialist program has been producing graduates fully prepared to fulfill multiple occupational roles in support of current computing infrastructure trends– to include data center operations, 虚拟机计算, 云服务技术.  

The Networking Specialist program, which was the first in the TCSG, was started over 20 years ago.  This program has adopted new and emerging networking technologies to meet the needs of local and state industry.  买世界杯app推荐 was designated a Cisco Networking Academy over 20 years ago, as well as a Microsoft IT Academy for 16 years.  The networking classes have been taught in a performance-based environment with the occupational goal of preparing 学生 to be workforce- ready and able to pass industry certifications during and on completion of their programs.  网络教师是专门的, long-term professionals who have proven commitment for providing high quality technical education, while emphasizing the importance of good character, 职业道德, and virtues of public and private service in cybersecurity-related occupations. 

Security has been an integral part of our programs for many years and we have prepared 学生 by encouraging and offering discounts for the CompTIA Security+ and the CCNA Security certifications with the intent to help them certify and document the skills they have obtained at 买世界杯app推荐

最近的市场调查, based on employer projections and student demand, indicates a growing demand for a high-quality cybersecurity program to meet the unfilled gap for a two-year technical degree program within our community.  Based on our research (including the Cybersecurity Workforce Framework) on what a two year college should be offering in a cyber security program, we developed and initiated the state approved Cybersecurity program in 2015.  We graduated our first Cybersecurity class Fall 2016 semester. 买世界杯app推荐 was recognized by NSA and Homeland Security in 2018 as a Center of Academic Excellence.